Sunday, July 22, 2012


Most of you know that my cancer has come back in my lungs. The have said that I wont be symptomatic for a couple of years . Sounds like they are saying I have about 5 years left with the possibility of more. No one knows the date they will pass on, I just have a range in time. So I am going to be about making the most of it. I will write more about that in my next blog.

 I have a great friend waiting in heaven to see me. She went home to be with the Lord Christmas day 2011. She has prayed for me for years. First for my salvation from grade school through high school (I needed lots of prayer). Then  after I got saved she prayed for what ever the need was in my life. I know that most of the people that Elizabeth meet on her path of life she has prayed for. She was one of the most amazing Christians I have even had the pleasure to know. Her Mom sent me this message through face book. I want to share it on my blog.

FROM:Shirley A. Siefarth
Cris, I dreamed about you last night. A group of women gathered on a dock by a river..instead of praying for you we were singing praises on your behalf. As I was taking my place with the other women, Elizabeth came in to join us. When I turned and saw her, I was amazed that she could be there. As we all were leaving the dock I stepped in to speak to her. I said I didn't know you could join us and she said "Oh yes, I can." It was a sweet dream. I'm praying for you Cris.
I believe that Elizabeth is singing praises and praying for me in heaven. She has the Lords ear.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


My sister in law sent me this email today. It was beautiful, so I forwarded it on to my kids. They are waiting with me for my biopsy report to come back tomorrow. The clock seems to be ticking pretty slow.

Hi Dan and Cris: This part of Psalm 91: 4 came to mind for you guys:
He will cover you with his
And under His wings you
may seek refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield
and rampart,

Years ago I heard a lady speak named Laurel Lee who wrote "Walking Through the Fire"...her husband left her with two little kids when she was pregnant and also had cancer. She talked about being so distressed one time all she could think to pray was " feathers, feathers".

That is my prayer for you...."feathers, comfort, soft, waterproof, light, strong, beautiful, protective". Blessings as you move about your day. Fighting fear is a spiritual discipline and a choice. I don't do it well. Everytime I start to fear for you you I am going to pray " FEATHERS".

Much love, Sue

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Renewed strength

Isiah 40:31
American King James Version
But they that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint:

I heard a wonderful sermon on Sunday about not growing weary. I knew if was from the Lord to me. I even told Dan on Sunday that I felt like it was a message from the Lord to me. I know that thousands of other people felt it was for them and it was. It was for all of us. The Lord wants us all to run the good race and not grow weary.

I had my 3 month CT scan last Tuesday and I kind of new something was not right.
The Dr Called Dan and I on Monday and said that the 2 spots in my lungs that they were watching to make sure they did not change had done just that . They had gotten bigger and now I had a friend for the one in my left lung.
I am scheduled for a biopsy on Monday July 16th at 7am. Yes of course I am having to talk my self down. I have to keep reminding myself that the Lord has not let go of my hand , not even once. That what ever path he should choose for me to walk down he is with me. He is my strength and my shield.  I can do this.

Also the love my my amazing husband, family and friends. You have no idea how much strength you all give to me.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Either one will work

Well I am getting ready for my second CT scan since my radiation treatments. I will have it on Tuesday and I see my oncologist on the 12th to go over what ever they find. A phone call ahead of time means it looks great. No phone call means either she wants to talk to me in person .. OR like last time she read it just minutes before we meet with her. I like the phone call ahead of time. The 3rd untill the 12th is a long time.
She always says she will not give bad news over the phone.
I would like the phone call ahead of time.