Monday, May 20, 2013

I dont believe in spooks, I dont believe in spooks , I dont believe in spooks

This is what I looked like hanging our of a MRI machine. Next time I swore I will ware the socks
Even if I don't believe in spooks does not mean I cant be spooked. I had to have a MRI today of my brain. My left leg has been real week and I have had alot of head aches. I have explanation's for it all, but yes it does still spook me.
After my last treatment of cisplatinun my magnesium count dropped off the charts and I have been having IV magnesium infusions 2-3 times a week for 6 hours each time. It is like having a second job and the one I have is busy.
I started a new chemo last Thursday and I will take it 2 weeks on and 1 week off. So far so good. I will be on it a long time. NO real end date.
The pills I take for nausea say that they can cause HEAD ACHES
my low magnesium really messes with my muscles, cramping and I believe weakness in my left leg. Other wise I feel great!!!
I did get 2 new little grandsons one was born last week on the 13 and the other on the 14. Twins that wanted their own birthdays. They love being all
cuddled up to each other and are so beautiful. I am so proud of Rachael and Nolan they are wonderful parents to their 3 boys.

Thayne 5.5 lbs 18 1/2 inches long

Quinn 6 lbs 19 1/4 inches long Rylan just turned 2 on the 27th. He is a real little ham. Such a funny little man. He has been running in the hall in the morning yelling BABIES. I think he likes them

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