Sunday, January 27, 2013

Every thing H

New home , new hair cut. well that is it for the H's.

I want to start this with saying that my CT scan showed that 2 of the very small tumors in my lungs got smaller and one stayed the same from just 2 chemo treatments. When I am all healed up from my surgery I can start chemo with a renewed vigor knowing that what is am going through is worth it.

My surgery went well I have a healthy right boob again and a giant scar down my back that looks like a crescent moon. If I were younger I would probably try to hide it with a tattoo of guess what ( a crescent moon )....... but since I cant see it and my amazing husbands rubs lotion on it for me and tells me how beautiful I am. Well It is going to just stay as it is.

Dan and his brother Shawn have both taken on with much vigor getting this home done. Shawn must have inherited the loving heart that Dan did as they both want to get it done for me. Shawn and Dan  talk each night on what the next plan will be and then Shawn is here first thing in the morning helping to get our home in order. What I love the most about it is listening to the two of them having such a great time together. This will be good memories for them. laughing and singing to 70' music. and making everything seem funny. ( no drugs involved).

The sun is peeking through the clouds and I am just feeling so blessed. I gave myself a long sponge bath this morning. I have a antibiotic pump hooked into my port for a week or so more. It goes off twice a day to make sure that I don't get any infections from this last round.

Today I feel so positive about my future. I heard a servied this morning about not getting what you deserve. It really struck a cord with me. I have been asking the Lord to heal me and really thinking that he is going to do it ( most of the time) then I think ... I know people who were such better Christians that I am and he did not save their lives from cancer, he let them go home early. Surely he wont save mine either.
Then the service said that the Lord does not give us what we deserve, but what his will for us is regardless. there is no scale of 1-10 of how good a Christian we were our whole loves. If that were the case I would have been condemned and burned years ago for the life I lead. Then his sweet spirit comes in and says that it is not by my performance, but his love for me his GRACE. WOW!!! That is so big. I need to hold onto it every day. I am pretty good at that, but be reminded and in turn ran to him again today and ask once again to spare my life and take my cancer away.

So this explains the H for house
The H for hair is that mine is thinning so I went to my hair gal Heather and had her take it down to the nubbins. So I am back to my real short hair. That was if it just gets really thin the thin spots wont be so noticeable. If it all comes out it will be easier also.
ok. H can be for Heather also :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The scoup

Well here I am again getting ready for another surgery. I usually call everyone and tell them, but this is starting to get really old.
So I have not called everyone. I am going to have surgery on Friday. I will be in be in the hospital for a few days. You might be thinking ... wow she would do anything to get out of living at the hotel :) No I would not do this.

I had 36 radiation treatments on my right breast side back in Nov, Dec, Jan of last year. I had another breast surgery on August 4th of 2012. It has never seemed to really be right compared to the other surgery's and how much I loved my boobs. I did not love this new one. Lately it was getting a little more misshapen. I made appointment to see my plastic surgeon on the 20.
I was suppose to have a Chemo treatment on Monday the 7th, but the evening before I had what seemed to be a leak in my right boob. Kathi and I went to see my plastic surgeon on Monday morning to make sure it was ok to have Chemo that I was not getting a infection or something. Well it was the or something.
My implant was pushing to pop through my radiated think skin and had sprung a leak.
The Dr felt like it was something that need to have some kine of urgent attention. He talked with my oncologist and the two of them agreed no Chemo that day for me and not for 6 weeks after my surgery. I am going to have to have them take some skin and muscle from the right side of my back and pull it around to the front to give me  some strength in my skin. They will take the implant out and clean it all up and then put in a implant also.
I will admit I was pretty glad not to have to have chemo on Monday. We should be moved in and all comfortable in our new place long before I have to have another treatment.
I did have to have a CT scan on Monday for my oncologist. She wanted to look and see what the treatment had been doing or not doing........ I am voting doing.
I have a cousin whose daughter is getting married this week in Pendleton. I have just know FOREVER  that I would be at her wedding. It was a given.
Well I knew that I would not make it because of the chemo. I let them know that I would not make it.
I just really really want them to know how much their family means to our family.
They have always been so supportive to my whole family. From my parents down.
We love you Mark, Marilyn and family. I pray that Shakina's wedding is blessed by the presence of the Lord. I also pray that you would feel the love coming from your Salem family. Many tears have been shed about not being able to be at the wedding.