Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I hope you dance

YES!!!!! no more radiation on this already red part. Today started 10 treatments ( I had one) on just my sternum area. As you can see in this photo my skin has been burnt the color of my bright red lipstick. It is very sore and in my arm pit area it has already broke open and is healing now. It got more tan than red in that area.
I just love the people giving me my treatments. They know I love music so they always find a song for me and turn it up. Today was I hope you dance. Very fitting. This plays as the little red and green Lazar lights rotate in straight lines across the ceiling of the treatment room. It was so fast today. I went from 21 fields to 5. Only 9 more to go. They are closed on the 16 so I will be done on the 17th. OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel bad complaining because I know that I am but a speck in the vast sea  of people dealing with something and so many have it worse. I will keep praising the Lord for each day.

P.S.  Rachael gets her drains out this afternoon and her first expander fill. She is on the road to recovery.  


  1. Yeah, you are so close to being done. Will have to party on the 17th!
